Astute Inspection Score
Every weekend we are out inspecting properties across Melbourne, regional Victoria, Sydney, Northern NSW, Gold Coast, Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast
We rate these properties from A Grade - C Grade.
The location and lifestyle score is made by in depth research about the suburb where the property is located. The lifestyle the suburb provides, the security, the community and the amenities.
Here we do a bit of historical research! We score this section based on the increase in value of the property overtime.
Depending on the type of property and what kind of buyers it is more likely to attract, we score the property for rentability or liveability. Rentability is how well we estimate the property to rent. Liveability score takes into account the layout of the property and the estimated ease of living.
Walkability refers to how ‘walkable’ it is from the property to local amenities.
We give a score on the internal condition of the property, including finishes & appliances.
We give a score on the external condition of the property, including finishes, garden & landscape.
When judging the street appeal we’re looking deeply into every aspect of the home from the street, as well as what surrounds the property.
A Grade – 80-100 (Bullseye!)
B Grade – 70-79
C Grade – 50-69