• "... We would highly recommend this service to anyone looking to buy a property, the way I always frame this service is "leveling the playing field" when it comes to real estate..."

    Thanks to the team and working closely with Matt we were able to find a property that we loved and walked away feeling incredibly confident that we got incredibly good value.

    Working with the team gave us immense confidence in the entire process as well as having a 3rd party help remove emotional burden and toil especially when it came to the negotiation phase. Having a team work with you on a estimate valuation of the property prior to placing any sort of offer/bid helped you understand what the "true" value of a property was, which was great to feel that you weren't overspending but also ensuring that you had serious offers.

    We would highly recommend this service to anyone looking to buy a property, the way I always frame this service is "leveling the playing field" when it comes to real estate and trying to get into the property market. Having a professional on your side when attempting to buy a property made us feel like we couldn't get taken advantage of by the industry.

    Also an important and great note, we were told initially that generally they help their clients find a property in less than 3 months. We were able to find our dream home in a month and a half, which was incredibly fast, considering I see an average of people looking on their own for 6 to 12 months. If time is an important commodity to you, this service is something that can solve that issue for you. If you've ever looked for properties before you would know that the process of going to inspections and talking to real estate agents week to week can become incredibly exhausting. Only having to look for just over a month was something I didn't think was truly realistic!

    A+ quality and effort, would definitely use again if I was wanting to buy another property! Thanks again team!

  • “If purchasing a property was a chess game - Matt would win every time. "

    I had the pleasure of having Matt advocate for me in the process of successfully purchasing my first property. I would highly recommend Matt to anyone who is looking for a property as Matt has not only the extensive experience but the expert knowledge to be able to help provide confidence and guidance in the market of the property.

    With Matt’s qualified knowledge and skillset, he would be able to offer his professional expertise in every aspect in the field from providing comparable market analysis of any property, property value and his attention to detail when he attends inspection. This list is endless and would definitely save you more than you can imagine. The most valuable attribute that Matt was able to demonstrate was how communicative he was not only with me but with the real estate agents. He was able to answer every question I had from the very first consult to the very end of the buying purchase - whether through texts or calls, at any time of the day. And from a first homer buyer’s perspective - this was very reassuring. What was most impressive was how Matt held himself around the agents and auctioneers. Matt’s confidence in this field is so reassuring where he was able to project this confidence and remain grounded with his emotions at all time. Even through this stressful process - he never stressed. Not once. This confidence definitely reflected in the auction itself - he was so strategic and confident in the auction, that it was intimidating for the other bidders. Matt helped me position myself as the highest bidder.

    If purchasing a property was a chess game - Matt would win every time.

    The property Matt had help me purchase not only ticked every box but also was bought for at a price I would have never imagined in the suburb that I desired. For the price of Matt’s service and for the amount I have saved in the process - it really does come out in the wash in the grand scheme of things.

    I would highly recommend Matt to anyone who not only needs an expert opinion alongside of them, but also needs his high quality skillset that can help act for you in your property purchasing process.